Meet the Seals from Palm Beach

2021/06/09 | Travel

Seaplane coming into to land a little colony of seals have taken over this rock seals loving it here it’s just off the fisherman’s track that runs around the Joey  Ferry comes past every hour and the seals couldn’t care less happy as larry what a life little scratch boats sail right by they all look like they feed well relaxing it really looks like a good life snooze, and then jump in to get a feed looking across to Mackerel Beach meditating as is Belle it appears soaking up a bit of the sun and then a scratch and a yawn and resume position hello chill Lion Island in the background natural artwork depicting sunrise on a rock ?natural rock art this is how close you can get by boat, but please if you do, don’t speed up to them, just put put up to them at 2-4 knots so you don’t scare them tree covered in Australian Pied Cormorant

Belle and I heard about the seals, so we ventured out to see if we could find them, and we sure did. PS. Even though I post this in 2021, these photos are from 2020. At the time, it felt in appropriate to post these during the pandemic

Sonny Vandevelde

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