Sydney > Los Angeles QF11

2019/02/09 | Travel

Arrived from Canberra and then straight over to international terminal for my next flight my ride has arrived ready to go  ready for take off Botany Bay bye Sydney banking sharp right home already missing it and then we head North East tropics but then a little surprise special treat about 3 hours later. Likuri Harbour, Fiji and I know that reef pretty well, Namotu and Tavarua with Wilkes Passage, and then Cloud break on the left just coming out from under the cloudAnd Malolo Islands Nadi River looking back at Namoto Nadi Airport under those clouds Ba River, with  Yasawa Islands at the tophaven’t explored this part of Fiji yet Yasawa Islands on Horizon and Yanuca on the bottom Denimanu Bua Wainunu Bay Levuka Bay Wainunu Bay And the clouds set in, expecting to still get an amazing sunset like you normally would but it was totally uneventful and landing at LA before sunrise, so missed out on both

No rest for the wicked

Sonny Vandevelde