Dubai > Sydney EK414

2017/03/15 | Travel

Landed in Dubai around midnight and was on the next plane again about an hour later. So now, fast forward 8-9 hours and inside the darkened cabin I open the window shutter to have bright australian sunlight brighten up the whole cabin about 150 odd kms of the coast of Western Australia Flew this exact same route last year  and yep, there we have it, Australia, I’m home again and so recognize this place. Lefroy Bay , Ningaloo Reef North West Cape Exmouth Town of Exmouth and Marina South and North Muiron Islands  Norwegian Bay Ningaloo Reef Exmouth Gulf and all the Islands dotted of the coast mini salt lake just of Exmouth Gulf and then the red dirt of WA outback did a road trip 2 years ago from Exmouth to Port Hedland, check the photos of the awesome landscape lake Maitland ?? Yeo Lake Lake Rason getting dark now over South Australia Eyre Peninsula nice colours FlightAware tracksatellite photo of Australian leg of the journey

Quick shower in Dubai and off home

Sonny Vandevelde