Dubai > Paris EK71

2024/06/14 | Travel

Waking up on my flight to Paris to this, over Iraq somewhere Tigris, north of Baghdad Mountain region going into Turkey Iraq Iraq Turkey Turkey these are covered in Snow in winter and these still are a bit Still Turkey Bulgaria/Romania Olt Got upped to first and the cabin was pretty empty, so I set the other monitor to maps in the seat ahead of me yes, they have snow in Romania as well in winter then cloud cover nearing Germany Luxembourg, but those nuclear reactors are in Francewindmills galore ( wish those right wing nutters stop the fear mongering about wind farms and accept the potential- no wait, they are sponsored by petro chemical companies, not going to happen ) Rheims skipped to the right side, to look at Belgium, and yes, cloud cover French countryside Charles De Gaulle Paris Airport Paris banking A115, Taverny Thillay E19 landed

flight from Singapore to Dubai was night time, so no photos, so onto flight from Dubai to Paris

Sonny Vandevelde