London>Singapore>Sydney QF2

2024/03/07 | Travel

took off last night from London at around 8pm, so no photos till now, about 90 min out form Singapore, land ahoy Tanjung Karang, Malaysia Selangor River outsuburbs of Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur about to get drenched on Malaysia Power Station Port Klang big storm clouds flying right next to it the other side so no photo of Kuala Lumpur, last year, on this same flight, I was sitting on the right hand side, so if interested, click here to see what’s on the other sidemore storms clouds with a little gap to fly through Pekan Muar pretty thick Karimunbesar Island flying away from Singapore to come in and land to the north Rangsang Island slowly descending not much to see 2 islands and 2 boats, Great Iyu Island & Pos Pantau PiyuGranite supplier at the bottom of the photo, at the tip of Riau Islands, and Little Karimun Island Little Karimun Island looks relatively flat from here, but this Island has a 270 meter elevation no sunshine in Singapore todaycoming into land about 8-9 hours later, just landed in Sydney and taxing to gateflight path from London, first time flying over a section of Egypt approach to Singapore Singapore to Sydney final approach, and why I did not see sunrise till plane was taxing to gate that massive storm cloud at Singapore at time of approach

flying home on the red roo

Sonny Vandevelde