Paris > London BA319

2022/10/06 | Travel

dragging that thing like it’s a piece of lead wave the flag and a thumbs up, good to go so missed out on this you never know, in the future and I think they should bring the 747’s back, love the upstairs or even better the pointy end big airport Charles De Gaulle, taxing for a while now bye Paris, GoussainvilleOise River, and top right the habitat of the MorlacuméensCreil French Coastline Hardelot , bye France woauw, you can see how close England is to France Folkestone / Dover to Cap Griz-Nez  White Cliffs of Dover Dungeness English countryside we’re not alone London town main cbd Waterloo station just of the London EyeBuckingham PalaceHyde Park Kew Bridge Ash Grove Road Hounslow landed, now wait for the flying Roo

With the SS23 season done and dusted, time get on the flying roo and head home

Sonny Vandevelde