Sydney > Hong Kong QF 117

2019/01/11 | Travel

Big Bertha cleared for take off sydney runway, botany bay Cronulla and Kurnel Boat harbour big turn around over the burbs crossing the blue mountains storm cloud – they need the rain out west near Dubbo love the Australian landscape the red colour river runs through it rain seeing all the patterns the erosion creates solitude print print this one too up in the top end now, about to fly over Gulf of Carpentaria downstream from a town called Borroloola King Ash Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria inlet Limmen Bigh Beatrice Island Eagle Bay with tropical storm on land love these sunset reflections heading into a storm yep, big dark clouds then out on the other side ready to leave Australian territory heading North gold be flying over Ambon and Philippines in dark this flight

Holidays over time to go to work

Sonny Vandevelde