LA for a day . . . or two – Staying at Dume Point, Malibu

2018/09/04 | Surfing, Travel

So I’m at a place called Point Dume, which is north of Malibu ( about 10km or so ) Great little spot, really reminds me a little bit of Northern Beaches except for the gate to the surf spot, you need a key, which can only buy if you live in the community
Imagine if off rocks or the wedge was pumping, but you need a key to be able to walk down to the surf spot but the surf gods are not providing today flat as, I’ve seen videos , so it does get good, not today wave of the day at high tide there is no beach place I’m staying at has a great garden with lots of eucalyptus trees, so do feel at home a bit
Did you know, Point Dume in the 40’s going into the 50’s was nothing, just cattle ranches with the PCH running through it, couldn’t sell it. Acre lots were going for 2000US, and when it finally took off in the 60’s it was a bit of a wind tunnel so the fire department, why the firies I don’t know, went to all the houses with Eucalyptus seedlings and that’s why there are so many in the area. And then up in the canyons its actually a problem when they have the grass fires

nice caravan in the backyard my new friend is fixing up real deal go check the surf again, was talk of a little bump from a cyclone down south, but looks like its way too far down south to have any real effect wave of the day awesome conditions though went for a walk further down and walking back decided to go for a quick paddle anyway, you know, get wet

Shoot for one day and surf for 2 days before going to New York, well that was the plan anyway

Sonny Vandevelde