Marley Beach, South Sydney National Park and Whale watching

2017/09/01 | Travel

let’s start the walk, I took the girls with me for a walk main aim was to go to Marley beach, but with Whale Season in full swing, it became that as well flap so many whales in this pod alone I think there was about 5 whales flap zoom in still have a bit of a walk ahead of us It’s actually a pretty nice looking location too wedding cake rock and finally, the beach I’ve seen so many times from the plane, Marley Beach nature, good to be outdoors shame it is such a walk to get here, would love to do a production here still life kangaroo paw Belle and India on the other side yep, kangaroos around the lake behind the dunes shame it is cloudy why you should never leave an empty bottle behind heading back  and we spot more whales, in total we saw about 5 groups of whales good path so pretty Belle and India watching the fresh water creek run into the ocean print please

Flying so much and always see-ing Marley beach from the plane, I always said I would one day go there, today is the day

Sonny Vandevelde