London > Brussels BA391

2016/09/21 | Travel

son_6902sonnyphotosready to pull back son_6903sonnyphotostouch of minimalism  son_6907sonnyphotosbit of a queue up ahead son_6909sonnyphotos15 min later still queuing  son_6913sonnyphotosand we’re off son_6917sonnyphotoscrossing the channel. French coastline son_6918sonnyphotosBritish coastline son_6919sonnyphotosnot the only one crossing son_6920sonnyphotosLe Channel son_6922sonnyphotosover Belgium coastline son_6927sonnyphotoslooking more tropical than European son_6929sonnyphotos son_6931sonnyphotosturning to zaventem son_6935sonnyphotosthis to me is typical belgium weather son_6937sonnyphotoswaterloo son_6938sonnyphotoszoom in  son_6942sonnyphotoscastle just outside Brusselsson_6940sonnyphotoszoom in son_6944sonnyphotosback at Wim & Hilda’s detail on glass window son_6947sonnyphotosback just in time for evening barbeque and sunset

London , quick stop in Belgium before heading off to Milan

Sonny Vandevelde