Christo Piers Project at Lake Isseo

2016/06/23 | Travel

SON_7269SonnyphotosAbout a small 90 minute drive form Milan and you arrive to see this, you can already see all the people walking on itSON_7274SonnyphotosChristo’s latest art project. So now you are supposed to park here and either walk down or get a shuttle bus. I talked my way past the police roadblock and managed to easily find a park in the village SON_7277Sonnyphotosright near these amazing old doors SON_7279SonnyphotosSON_7287Sonnyphotosthe start, was really hard to get a shot with no people in it SON_7288Sonnyphotosi’d say impossible SON_7292Sonnyphotos SON_7294Sonnyphotosthe start on the lake SON_7281SonnyphotosTHERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE HERE
if you plan to visit, come super early to avoid queuing, like I had to for 30 minutes in the hot sunSON_7283Sonnyphotos SON_7296Sonnyphotossoooo busy with humans SON_7300Sonnyphotoswalking on water SON_7304Sonnyphotos SON_7309Sonnyphotos SON_7311Sonnyphotos SON_7321Sonnyphotos SON_7325Sonnyphotos SON_7327Sonnyphotosthe little island in the middle of the lake SON_7334Sonnyphotos SON_7339Sonnyphotos SON_7341Sonnyphotos SON_7350Sonnyphotos SON_7358Sonnyphotos SON_7366Sonnyphotosfrom the island it continues on to an even smaller island SON_7368Sonnyphotos SON_7371Sonnyphotos SON_7376Sonnyphotos SON_7379Sonnyphotos SON_7382Sonnyphotos SON_7383Sonnyphotoslife goes on SON_7388Sonnyphotos SON_7393Sonnyphotosit is so hot today and that pool looks so inviting SON_7395Sonnyphotos SON_7396Sonnyphotos SON_7402Sonnyphotos SON_7403Sonnyphotos SON_7407Sonnyphotos SON_7414Sonnyphotos SON_7422Sonnyphotos SON_7423Sonnyphotos SON_7428Sonnyphotos SON_7431Sonnyphotoswell, that was worth it, but now I have a 14 hour drive ahead of me to Paris

details here

After Milan men I decide to go for a drive to Lago Isseo

Sonny Vandevelde

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