
2015/09/04 | Travel

HTE_9203SonnyphotosNewtown Bridge over Spring Creek in Beechworth HTE_9204Sonnyphotos HTE_9205SonnyphotosLake Hume, where the Murray flows into at NSW and flows out of in Victoria HTE_9206SonnyphotosLooking South ( was hoping to see snow on mountains by now ) HTE_9211Sonnyphotos HTE_9216Sonnyphotosnice winters day HTE_9218Sonnyphotos HTE_9220Sonnyphotos HTE_9221SonnyphotosMr. Percival has a friend HTE_9222Sonnyphotos HTE_9224Sonnyphotos HTE_9234Sonnyphotoslunch out of the back of the car, must keep moving. Cheese from Beechworth and bread from local bakery HTE_9241SonnyphotosFox, you are warned HTE_9242SonnyphotosVictorian grazing fields and NSW mountains HTE_9244SonnyphotosJust drove up from Khancoban, and finally snow at Deadhorse Gap HTE_9246Sonnyphotossnowed in HTE_9247Sonnyphotoslet’s go check in and stay warm

Leaving Victoria and heading to the Snowfields in NSW

Sonny Vandevelde

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