That Sydney Storm – Pittwater side

2015/05/06 | Uncategorized

AUS_7461Sonnyphotosferocious, never seen it so windy AUS_7464Sonnyphotosbesides the boat beached look at the backyard washed away and the big 2 meter drop where once a lawn was AUS_7467Sonnyphotosnot looking good AUS_7470Sonnyphotosshame, looks like a nice boat AUS_7472Sonnyphotos AUS_7477Sonnyphotos AUS_7484Sonnyphotosso windy on the water AUS_7485Sonnyphotossail getting ripped everywhere you look AUS_7490Sonnyphotos AUS_7493Sonnyphotos AUS_7496Sonnyphotos AUS_7502Sonnyphotoseven a dingy stuck on the mast

Driving back home just had to check Pittwater and what that wind is doing on the water here

Sonny Vandevelde

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