Rainbow Lorrikeet in the Umbrella Tree

2015/05/03 | Uncategorised

AUS_2664SonnyphotosI have never seen these seeds/flowers come up on the umbrella tree that has been in the driveway forever AUS_2669SonnyphotosBut the lorrikeets sure seems to know about them AUS_2671Sonnyphotosthey are here every afternoon, like clockwork between 3:30 and 4pm AUS_2682SonnyphotosI’ve always had a soft spot for the lottikeets AUS_2685Sonnyphotos AUS_2686Sonnyphotos AUS_2689Sonnyphotos AUS_2699Sonnyphotos AUS_2705Sonnyphotos AUS_2707Sonnyphotos AUS_2711Sonnyphotos AUS_2713Sonnyphotos AUS_2721Sonnyphotos AUS_2736Sonnyphotos AUS_2743Sonnyphotos AUS_2750Sonnyphotos

Things you will see in your backs=yard

Sonny Vandevelde

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