Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Made it to Pompei

And come nightfall eating in a cliff top restaurant on the Sorrentine Peninsula

PHC_0232SonnyphotosSonnyphotosAfter checking in our accommodation, we go for a drive along the Sorrentine peninsula and everything looked closed and empty, especially for this time of the year . And then we found this spot ( that's Mt Vesuvius in the background ) PHC_0234SonnyphotosSonnyphotosThat little terraced spot on the cliff there is in my books ultimate outdoor dining PHC_0236SonnyphotosSonnyphotosWith rain storms rolling through PHC_0239SonnyphotosSonnyphotoslooking West along the peninsula PHC_0258SonnyphotosSonnyphotosbeautiful watching the storm roll through PHC_0264SonnyphotosSonnyphotosnot a soul ( due to the rain ofcourse ) PHC_0265SonnyphotosSonnyphotosour table PHC_0266SonnyphotosSonnyphotoslove it PHC_0267SonnyphotosSonnyphotosThe restaurant is part of the Hotel Scrajo which is know for its spa well ness centre PHC_0276SonnyphotosSonnyphotosAaah, Italian food PHC_0278SonnyphotosSonnyphotosbut, the storm started rolling our way so we had to move inside as we were getting wet form the rain blowing in of the seas PHC_0281SonnyphotosSonnyphotosstill a nice view PHC_0286SonnyphotosSonnyphotosfrom inside this old building PHC_0291SonnyphotosSonnyphotosAfter ordering our meals I have quick sticky beak at the hotel  PHC_0294SonnyphotosSonnyphotosnice PHC_0298SonnyphotosSonnyphotos PHC_0304SonnyphotosSonnyphotos PHC_0308SonnyphotosSonnyphotosclearing up a little but getting dark PHC_0310SonnyphotosSonnyphotoswe are still the only people dining here PHC_0313SonnyphotosSonnyphotosturns out this summer has been a economic disaster for all the restaurants and hotels this year

© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos