Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Swimming in Monaco with a slight Pisa skew

Beautiful sunny day next morning, another visit to Monaco and then off to Italy

PHC_0127SonnyphotosSonnyphotosLooking across Ville Franche Sur mer from our balcony PHC_0132SonnyphotosSonnyphotosThe Avalon crewmonaco swimSonnyphotoswe took some more shots underwater, and this just looks so surreal the shot Jacqui took of me diving down next to the wallPHC_0133SonnyphotosSonnyphotostime to get going again PHC_0136SonnyphotosSonnyphotos PHC_0139SonnyphotosSonnyphotoswe'll be heading to those clouds in Italy PHC_0140SonnyphotosSonnyphotosleaving the sun behind PHC_0141SonnyphotosSonnyphotosbye Monaco PHC_0143SonnyphotosSonnyphotosoh but first Susan is going to add some more artwork to Evan's cast PHC_0145SonnyphotosSonnyphotos PHC_0224SonnyphotosSonnyphotos4 hours or so later, we pass through Pisa after driving in the rain for waht seemed forever PHC_0226SonnyphotosSonnyphotoshope it clears for our next destination PHC_0227SonnyphotosSonnyphotosandiamo

© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos