Melbourne > London Pt 1

2013/11/08 | Travel

_AUS3322SonnyphotosMelbourne countryside looking more German than Australian _AUS3325SonnyphotosI never seen it so green _AUS3326Sonnyphotosimpressive looking Grampians National Park _AUS3331Sonnyphotoscountryside seems littered with these round waterholes/lakes looking like big old mine shafts, but they all have different colours _AUS3341Sonnyphotoslooking pretty out the window _AUS3349Sonnyphotosmost passengers have drawn their shades and glued to the tv screens _AUS3351Sonnyphotoswhat a shame, if they look out they would see some wonderful natural scenery _AUS3354Sonnyphotosnow that stretch looks familiar _AUS3359Sonnyphotosyes, from air I recognise this place _AUS3364Sonnyphotostwo tone lake _AUS3365SonnyphotosThat’s the princess highway running along the Coorong in South Australia _AUS3369SonnyphotosAnd that spot we went to when we did our Road Trip back in 2012 _AUS3373SonnyphotosAnd that’s the spot we turned off to go and find Mr Percival ( Storm Boy for you non movie buffs )  _AUS3374SonnyphotosWas so excited to be able to see this from the air. At the end of this beach is Kingston, home of the big Lobster _AUS3377SonnyphotosAnd the town of Meningie, I can just make out the jetty where we stopped to have a look around  _AUS3378Sonnyphotos _AUS3381SonnyphotosMeningie on Lake Alexandria, which is fed by the mighty Murray river _AUS3384SonnyphotosBig windblown sand dunes _AUS3387SonnyphotosAnd where the Murray meets the ocean _AUS3388Sonnyphotos _AUS3392Sonnyphotos _AUS3396SonnyphotosThen the hills of Myponga, south of Adelaide ( been here as well_AUS3401Sonnyphotos Sellicks beach _AUS3407SonnyphotosAnd Noarlunga, surfed there not so long ago ( scroll down )   _AUS3416SonnyphotosFlight attendant told me a good view was to be had of Adelaide from the other side, but all windows seats taken, so he suggested I try the window in the toilet 🙂
Port Adelaide and the salt refinery_AUS3419Sonnyphotosfurther north of Adelaide _AUS3422SonnyphotosAnd here, despite the fuzzyniss from toilet window, can just make out Lake Bumbunga where I have been countless times to photograph the salt lake _AUS3425SonnyphotosWardang Island off Port Victoria, south Australia _AUS3427SonnyphotosPretty _AUS3429SonnyphotosProtected Goose Island of Wardinga, and clear shot of all the beaches on the island _AUS3430SonnyphotosCrossing the Spencer Gulf _AUS3434Sonnyphotoswoauw, look at that colour, just south of Arno Bay _AUS3435SonnyphotosWant to get up close and have a look _AUS3447SonnyphotosVenus Bay
( ok, to be continued in next post )

Taking off form Melbourne and can see it all on the screen via tail wing cam 🙂

Sonny Vandevelde