Tommy Hilfiger Surf Shack Maldives Gone Surfing Night fishing

2013/08/24 | Travel, Uncategorized

TOM_0494SonnySurfShackTommyboys will be boys, so fishing was definitely on the cards  TOM_0504SonnySurfShackTommyand it did not take long to strike TOM_0507SonnySurfShackTommybut unfortunately, these were not the eating type, so were let go again. This whole week its been about catching a fish and being able to cook it up and eat it, and not even the crew of the boat were having any luck

boys will be boys, so fishing was definitely on the cards  and it did not take long to strike but unfortunately, these were not the eating type, so were let go again. This whole week its been about catching a fish and being able to cook it up and eat it, and not even the […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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