Def wish Cast @ the Annandale Hotel

2012/08/05 | Uncategorised

EUR_7952sonnyDJ act warms up the crowd πŸ™‚
Been working with Def Wish on a film clip, and shot some footage at on our their gigs before I went to Europe, so when he told me they had another gig on at The Annandale, thought I'd better get donw there and get some more video footage EUR_7954sonnymesmerized crowd EUR_7955sonnysome Beatbox-ing EUR_7956sonnymeanwhile EUR_7960sonnyupstairs EUR_7963sonnygetting ready for their gig EUR_7969sonnygetting into his rhymes πŸ™‚ EUR_7971sonnybut poor old Simon has a cold and is worried about his vocal cords, fair enough EUR_7976sonny15 seconds of fame πŸ™‚ EUR_7977sonnyok, here we go, time to switch to video πŸ™‚

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr DJ act warms up the crowd πŸ™‚Been working with Def Wish on a film clip, and shot some footage at on our their gigs before I went to Europe, so when he told me they had another gig on at The Annandale, thought I'd better get donw there and get some […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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