Heading Home London > Sydney

2011/07/05 | Travel

_IZO0463sonnyphotos lucky me got an upgrade, lucky indeed , as I am so tired, so pretty stoked right now as I know I'll get some shut eye. _IZO0465sonnyphotos breaking through the london clouds _IZO0471sonnyphotos
crossing the channel _IZO0473sonnyphotos French/Belgium border on the coastline _IZO0476sonnyphotos
A god 10 hours later ( yes , yes , yes, I actually managed to get a decent sleep in ) _IZO0479sonnyphotos and I wake to tropical skies _IZO0487sonnyphotos shapes, I see a  . . . _IZO0489sonnyphotos going down to Singapore _IZO0494sonnyphotos
_IZO0497sonnyphotos somewhere approaching sumatra _IZO0499sonnyphotos _IZO0503sonnyphotos
a little snooze again, and then I look out , and yeay Oz StraiL iYa _IZO0504sonnyphotos so would love to get me one of those big 4WD one day and spend a few months driving around the top end, so isolated and so many awesome locations _IZO0506sonnyphotos ok, time for a lie down again, next stop Sydney, was so tired I missed the sunset, and arrival at Sydney at 7pm it was already pitch black

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr lucky me got an upgrade, lucky indeed , as I am so tired, so pretty stoked right now as I know I'll get some shut eye. breaking through the london clouds crossing the channel French/Belgium border on the coastline A god 10 hours later ( yes , yes , yes, I […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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