Bye Bye Sydney ( again, already)

2010/11/25 | Travel

_OZI6627sonnyphotossonnyphotos So, yes, after a few days back in Sydney form my trip to Adelaide , it's off again.
This time to New York via Los Angeles to do a shoot for Wish.
And look at this, lucky me got an upgrade to business class, and before we take off, I get to fill out a little order form for what I would like for breakfast ( it's about a 14 hour flight ) _OZI6628sonnyphotossonnyphotos view from top deck _OZI6630sonnyphotossonnyphotos ready for take off _OZI6633sonnyphotossonnyphotos Sydney's middle harbour _OZI6637sonnyphotossonnyphotos aaaaaah, my beloved northern beaches, going _OZI6640sonnyphotossonnyphotos
going _OZI6642sonnyphotossonnyphotos gone _OZI6643sonnyphotossonnyphotos soon after it went dark already, won't see the sun again till just before we arrive in L.A. _OZI6646sonnyphotossonnyphotos still looks grest, the clouds on dusk _OZI6648sonnyphotossonnyphotos _OZI6649sonnyphotossonnyphotos no sunshine, but there is moonshine

So, yes, after a few days back in Sydney form my trip to Adelaide , it's off again.This time to New York via Los Angeles to do a shoot for Wish.And look at this, lucky me got an upgrade to business class, and before we take off, I get to fill out a little order […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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