Alexandra Verschueren

2009/06/13 | Uncategorised

And a refreshing collection called Medium ( and I guess the medium is paper )IMG_1638
It is based on paper, so she printed her fabric to make it look like paper, and then on the coats the cuts like you cut shapes in paper with scissorsIMG_1665
She was inspired by an artist ( sorry , name escaped me again) who made everyday objects out of paper. So as part of her presentation, she also made some objects out of paperIMG_1642
I like how she then drew on her made to look like paper fabric print with a pen.IMG_1647 IMG_1650
Nice coatIMG_1654
with green "paper" dress underneath

And a refreshing collection called Medium ( and I guess the medium is paper ) It is based on paper, so she printed her fabric to make it look like paper, and then on the coats the cuts like you cut shapes in paper with scissors She was inspired by an artist ( sorry , […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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