Elle Style Awards

2009/02/07 | Uncategorised


I had dinner at Johan's tonight and after dinner we ventured over the Elle Style awards, bit of funny night, strange mix of people, and unfortunately all the "cool" and people with actual "style" left early ( or did not turn up at all, like Dries ) Pholoso was there though, going for a grim reaper look ? Or not to be seen, I was not there look

Dieter came up from Amsterdam for the week endP2080008

Jean Paul l'Espagnard only had to drive from Brussel, might pay him a visit in a week or so in his studio in Brussel, see what he is up to P2080009

Bernard is attracting the attention of someof the puntersP2080010
the phantom mixed with darryl hannah in blade runnerP2080014P2080015

Serge BrackeP2080016

Stefaan and SergeP2080019

Johan, just before he called it a night and walked home ( he's got two legs he said)P2080020

Time for me to go to , the smokers are out, and I'm just kind of being there for no real purpose, curled up in bed sounds better

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr I had dinner at Johan's tonight and after dinner we ventured over the Elle Style awards, bit of funny night, strange mix of people, and unfortunately all the "cool" and people with actual "style" left early ( or did not turn up at all, like Dries ) Pholoso was there though, […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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