Meet Billie Pt II

2009/02/08 | Uncategorised


I invited Marc and Anita over for lunch, so why not Fredcha and Aglaia as well, that way Granny could meet BillieP2100027

Just cleared all the dirty plates of the table ( we had Kangaroo ofcourse ) , but not the empties, but time for some photos of Billie, here with proud mum and Granny ( sadly for Aglaia, it is her last day of maternity leave, back to work tomorrow )P2100030

Aglaia, Billie, me and Granny and Anita's tomato boccinni saladP2100032

I get to hold Billie ( hey look Jac's it's us in the background I just noticed )P2100034

Little does Aglaia and Freddy know that I am using an old mantra chant I learnt from the surfing dolphins. I'm whispering it into her ear, in a nutshell, I am already trying to get her addicted to surfing , and brainwashing her to work on her parents to get them to move to AustraliaP2100036

And it's working , because, as you can tell by her stare , she was like "does that mean I get to drink beer", sure "cool "

Look at how small those little fingers are

Cute…no ?P2100041

Marc & Anita , self portraitP2100049

so tinyP2100053

Beer, Granny, water

That little mantra has made her a bit tiredP2100059

Billie with her bigger brother

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr I invited Marc and Anita over for lunch, so why not Fredcha and Aglaia as well, that way Granny could meet Billie Just cleared all the dirty plates of the table ( we had Kangaroo ofcourse ) , but not the empties, but time for some photos of Billie, here with […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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