Meanwhile, back in Oz

2009/02/08 | Uncategorised


It looks like a ragin' hellP2100070

Forget Ash wednesday from February16,  1983, which until now, was the worst bushfire with high number of fatalities, this fire, scorching Australia is set to claim more lives, this is a monster.P2100071

To put this into a bit of European context, this fire has already scorched the earth the size of Belgium ( ok, belgium being one of the smaller countries in Europe, but still land the size of an european country , gone, scorched )P2100072

this is just insane what is going on there, you really have no idea the heroics that are happening right now !!!!P2100073

for latest coverage check out Sydney News paper website and

 read this many good people lie dead

I am so lucky to not have experienced a raging bush fire up close, I have seen bushfires up close, but they were soon under control by bush firefighter volunteers, but this is not undercontrol , at last count over 500 homes destroyed, I'm sorry if I am bringing you a bit of a downer news, it'sjust really sad to see peoplelose their house, and lives

After one terrible hour Marysville was no more. Few buildings
escaped. Every public building – including the police station, post
office, telephone exchange – and the much-loved guest houses and a
hotel, had been destroyed. Worse was the fact that some of the
gutted cars and buildings had human remains in them.

I don't pray, but my thoughts are with those affected tonight    🙁

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr It looks like a ragin' hell Forget Ash wednesday from February16,  1983, which until now, was the worst bushfire with high number of fatalities, this fire, scorching Australia is set to claim more lives, this is a monster. To put this into a bit of European context, this fire has already […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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