NY Ballet with Iek

2009/02/13 | Uncategorised


As I was at Gilded Age Iekeliene called to say that she had a spare ticket for the NY ballet at the Lincoln center, she told me earlier ( when I took her blond picture ) that she was going and did not think I would be interested. Well it's not that I would go out of my way to organise to go see ballet, but have been plenty in the past and liked it, especially the contemporay dance from Rotterdam and Sydney120220091252
So here I am , 4th ring, with Iek and her new york friends120220091254

and yeah I enjoyed it, it was 4 short stories, piece form swan lake, romeo and juliet, steadfast tin soldier and slaughter on tenth avenue, with live orchestra120220091255

ok, this is taken with the phone ( which I'm probably not allowed ) so 120220091257

I'll zoom in a bit, this from Slaughter on 10th Avenue120220091259

So that was fun. Shot of punters leaving the Lincoln center, now race home and catch up on stuff I planned to do after the Gilded Age show

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr As I was at Gilded Age Iekeliene called to say that she had a spare ticket for the NY ballet at the Lincoln center, she told me earlier ( when I took her blond picture ) that she was going and did not think I would be interested. Well it's not […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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