Bloody wood pigeons

2008/06/01 | Uncategorized

They;re creating havoc around here, eating all the fresh juicy leafs of all the vegies, they been getting into my sunflower seedlings and eating my lettuce I planted in the garden, but it is even worse for my farmer neighbour Eddy, all his cauliflowers are getting attacked

So they have come up with this contraption, a noise banger let’s call it.

And the dog is too lazy to get up in the morning to chase the pigeons away

That’s the paltry looking cauliflower he is resting his head between

By now , they should be foot long lushious green leaves, these have just been picked to pieces

So the trick is that in the morning and evenings, I pull on this cord, which runs all the way to my garden, give it a big yank

So the block of concrete will hit the corrugated iron and let out a loud bang and scare the shit out of the birds, good plan !

So they will soon look like these, and will leave my seedling alone. This picture I took at the other end of the field where Eddy has already got one his noise bangers set up

They;re creating havoc around here, eating all the fresh juicy leafs of all the vegies, they been getting into my sunflower seedlings and eating my lettuce I planted in the garden, but it is even worse for my farmer neighbour Eddy, all his cauliflowers are getting attacked So they have come up with this contraption, […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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