
2008/02/24 | Uncategorized

Yeay, we finally take off ( but still, would have been better if they just let me of the plane) This will the first time I land at the same airport twice in one day ( think about it ) From my window I can see the E19 highway that takes me from the airport to home, and I remember just before I left, well you see, there is a really wide gap between the north bound lanes and south bound lanes, were there was a mini forest, but then in October they started clearing all the forest ( all those poor animals that had made it their home ) And as I can see form the plane now it just looks like a construction site now, so I’m so curious what is going on there, high speed train ? That wouldn’t work

As after here it is all housing, anyone out there now ?

That’s the Belgium coastline down there

Now take me to London

Looking a lot cloudier down there.
About 15 min after this shot, I was doing a video of the plane going into land, and just as we were going into the clouds, on the video, you see the plane all of a sudden accelerate and take off again ( nooooo.. ) too foggy still ,so we climb back to 5000 and looks like going ot another airport…again

Yeay, we finally take off ( but still, would have been better if they just let me of the plane) This will the first time I land at the same airport twice in one day ( think about it ) From my window I can see the E19 highway that takes me from the airport […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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