Sandra Backlund+Hyers Festival = 1st Prize

2007/04/30 | Uncategorised

As predicted by myself and Diane last August, this girl is going to be going places. And news just in , she just won first prize at the Hyers Festival in the south of France, to readmore go to Diane’s site . I feel so left out of the festival and celebrations all the way down here in sydney, but big congrats to Sandra, I’m so happy for you,


not only incredibly talented, but a nice person to boot. Remember those special knit pieces at the last Vuiton show, they were Sandra’s as well . Pics taken from Diane’s blog

As predicted by myself and Diane last August, this girl is going to be going places. And news just in , she just won first prize at the Hyers Festival in the south of France, to readmore go to Diane’s site . I feel so left out of the festival and celebrations all the […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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