Vasquez Rocks Natural Area and Nature Center AKA Star Trek Historic Film Site

2024/08/06 | Travel

sort of a little like all the sand stone on our east coast but this is about 40km inland from the California beaches So parked the car at the Nature Center and went for a walk beautiful spot but hot today and loving the rock formations tree in small crack of the rock, nature, resilient jutting out the curves I’m loving this spot and you can see why it has been a favourite for film locations since the 40’s oh, but yeah, be warned, there are coyotes around what a spot more curves you would think this was remote but I can hear the hum from the highway nearby and we are only about 40minutes drive away from Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood summer colours at the nature center I learned about all the food that is available here, and the flour made from the seeds of the local grasses food source dry creek bed so you know what I am going to say don’t you let’s shoot here, can already visualize a model here or here recognise this spot or this spot ( think space battles ) love this spot Vasquez rocks love it spot the tourist, to give you an idea of size

I spotted this when I was on the 14 last January heading to Mammoth Mountain, so just had to come back and take a closer look

Sonny Vandevelde