Coperni AW2425 Fashion Show Paris Backstage

2024/03/05 | Backstage

Achol Ayor Addison Soens Sihana Shalaj Hejia LiSascha Rajasalu Awar Odhiang Aymeline Valade Angelina Kendall Bibi Breslin alaato Jazyper Dana Smith Diane Chiu Jeanne Cadieu Vilma Sjoberg Nyaduola Gabriel Libby Bennett Ying Ouyang America Gonzalez Mika Schneider Karolina Spakowski Yar Aguer Issa Lish Sihana Shilaj Achol Ayor Hejia Li

and the fashion marathon is over for me, leaving one day early so I can be somewhere for an exciting project. Stay tuned

Sonny Vandevelde

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