Melbourne > Sydney QF466

2022/09/05 | Travel

ready to taxi take off. 125 Loemans Road, Bulla decent size property Canola fields Diggers Rest Calder freewat- banking right I do hope to see an end to these property subdivisions by greedy property developers creating climate hot zones. All for more housing, but not this way. ( and the way they sell it as ” your dream home ” ) through the clouds looks like I won’t get my ski fields shot on this flight either nice little bit of cloud lit uplooks cold we’re not alone planes doing quite a few turns feels like we just did a full 180 and with the sun setting on the west, me seating on the righ hand side and flying north, it now looks like we are flying south again as I can see more and more of the sunset and then , it just turns again and I can the lights from Canberra and now can just make out Lake George.the turns on this flight 🙂
I did a time lapse video as well from the lounge as I had quite a bit of time in there. Click here to see the time lapse video.

Job in Melbourne done, so flying back to Sydney

Sonny Vandevelde