King Country – Short Drive from Kamahi Lodge to Waitomo Glow Worm caves

2018/11/04 | Travel

that green just does not stop amazing me and check out all those cows, they must be loving that grass cow heaven you saw in the previous post how healthy and lush the grass looks, so you know you want to try some NZ dairy productsgreen and blue happy cow is a healthy cow heading down to  Te Kuitithe colours stopped by this geezer on the road to the glow worms once we got our tickets and then a short drive through more green country side with our laconic tour guide, some funny anecdotes mixed in with your classic information you want form a guide and we are about to enter the glow worm cave but not without first meeting the big eels at the entrance to the cave big buggers the webs from the glow worms.  reminding me of the stingers of the blue bottles we get on the beach, and these are little sticky webs for mosquitos to get caught in  not sure how good this will come up on your computer screen, but naturally this ain’t nothing like the real thing this was truely an amzing sight to behold and just can not capture thevividness of it. ( we tried to book a more expensive pro photo tour which the owner runs, but he was over seas,so could not book it ) all those worms waiting for some mossies heading out again  well worth it green grass again quick cuppa and a biscuit and we are taken to another cave

The New Zealand North Island tour continues

Sonny Vandevelde