Dubai > Sydney QF2

2017/02/09 | Travel

My cubicle for the next 13 hours, thanks Qantas for the upgrade double vision take off, Dubai outskirts
Only downside from upgrade, that during take off/landing , you are quite the distance from the window Ibn Rsheed, just outside of Sharjah- Dubai

desert villages Manama Jaaz at the foothills of Al Hajar Mountains

Al Dhaid East Coast road with a couple of quarries along the way  be so hot down there Masaf incomplete road, unless there is a tunnel I don’t know about ( yes, construction was still going in 2009 ) Shiis Village Al Bidyah on the coast ( a bit further north I surfed once about 10 years ago , during a typhoon ) Khawr Fakkan Murbah and water and power plant will be just water for a while now till we get to India, as no, this flight today will not be passing over the Maldives, bummerwoauw check out all the boats off the coast of Emirates Kumbaru Bay India, just south of Mumbai Srivardhan bay Can’t help but wonder if there are surfable waves down there, probably , but guessing inconsistent damn at Murud, India. After this is got pretty cloudy and then night set in early morning light, NSW outback golden light, love it somewhere near Dubbo turning getting ready to cross the blue mountains I can hear all the morning coffee grinders in Sydney from here lol can just make out the ocean in the distance that reflection on the horizon the ocean of central coast blue mountains, tree tops looks like a green layer of velvet form up here Botany Bay One day Belle & India 🙂

My cubicle for the next 13 hours, thanks Qantas for the upgrade double vision take off, Dubai outskirts Only downside from upgrade, that during take off/landing , you are quite the distance from the window Ibn Rsheed, just outside of Sharjah- Dubai desert villages Manama Jaaz at the foothills of Al Hajar Mountains Al Dhaid […]

Sonny Vandevelde