Catherine Hill Bay old mining town by the sea

2016/09/08 | Travel

SON_4805SonnyphotosCatherine Hill Bay with it’s crystal clear waters SON_4807Sonnyphotosand then looking south, with the famous jetty still standing SON_4809Sonnyphotosslowly rusting away SON_4811Sonnyphotosready to shoot here SON_4813Sonnyphotosno access onto the jetty though SON_4814Sonnyphotosthey made sure of it SON_4818Sonnyphotosnope, not getting over it either SON_4820Sonnyphotoslooks cool though SON_4823Sonnyphotoslots of textures SON_4825Sonnyphotos SON_4826Sonnyphotos SON_4829Sonnyphotos SON_4832Sonnyphotosimpossible to move, rusted stuck SON_4833Sonnyphotos SON_4837Sonnyphotos SON_4838Sonnyphotos SON_4840Sonnyphotos SON_4846Sonnyphotosthat would be a ream of coal SON_4847Sonnyphotos SON_4850Sonnyphotoswalked up and around as when I checked it out on satellite photos, there looked to be a spot worth checking out on top SON_4856Sonnyphotos SON_4859Sonnyphotos SON_4862Sonnyphotosa home made mini skate park SON_4866Sonnyphotos SON_4868Sonnyphotos SON_4871Sonnyphotos SON_4872Sonnyphotosskate park with a view 🙂 SON_4873Sonnyphotos SON_4874Sonnyphotos SON_4876Sonnyphotos SON_4878Sonnyphotosinteresting, when I looked this spot up on google earth, there was still a house stamding SON_4887Sonnyphotosold bordered church with a view out to sea, would make a nice cafe SON_4889Sonnyphotosbirds on a wire SON_4890Sonnyphotoswatching me SON_4891Sonnyphotosok, back to Sydney

Before heading back to Sydney and spending the night at my brothers, just had to a recce at this place, glad I idid

Sonny Vandevelde

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