Byron Bay Fashion Show at the Farm – Rhythm Backstage

2015/05/10 | Backstage

AUS_7982sonnyphotosKalsey Martinovich AUS_7989sonnyphotosSophie Willing, Harmony Dawkins & Hannah Lyne AUS_7995sonnyphotosShaanti Senaratane AUS_7998sonnyphotosGeorgahCrane, Zac Miguel & Kelsey AUS_8003sonnyphotosShaanti AUS_8007sonnyphotosHarmony Dawkins AUS_8014sonnyphotosSophie Willing & Laura Evans AUS_8037sonnyphotosByron Bay Swim Ladies  AUS_8041sonnyphotosShaanti AUS_8055sonnyphotosJoss Savage AUS_8065sonnyphotosGeorgah AUS_8070sonnyphotosSophie AUS_8082sonnyphotosHannah AUS_8087sonnyphotosShaanti AUS_8092sonnyphotosKelsey AUS_8099sonnyphotosHarmony

Just as we are about to start the Swimwear section, the storm kicks and we ar ein a black out - no probs 10 min later and the show is back 🙂

Sonny Vandevelde

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