Annesley New Surfboard

2015/05/20 | Uncategorized

AUS_9043SonnyphotosDay after the spray painting all dried and buffed up now, so happy with it, thanks Nigel AUS_9041Sonnyphotos AUS_9051Sonnyphotos AUS_9062Sonnyphotos AUS_9068Sonnyphotos AUS_9072Sonnyphotos AUS_9082Sonnyphotos AUS_9090Sonnyphotos AUS_9095Sonnyphotos AUS_9097Sonnyphotos AUS_9098Sonnyphotos AUS_9101Sonnyphotoslet’s go surfing

So happy with this new board tha tI just had to take a 100 photos off it

Sonny Vandevelde

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