Paris > Hong Kong ( Sydney here I come )

2015/04/10 | Travel

FRA_0445SonnyphotosXL view 🙂 FRA_0450Sonnyphotosyep, will be able to fall asleep in this seat FRA_0454SonnyphotosBye Europe FRA_0452SonnyphotosHello AsiaFRA_0459Sonnyphotos8 hours or so later, early morning over China somewhereFRA_0464Sonnyphotosheading to Hong Kong over mainland FRA_0465Sonnyphotoswhere day meets night FRA_0467Sonnyphotos FRA_0470Sonnyphotos FRA_0471Sonnyphotos FRA_0474SonnyphotosHong Kong outer Islands FRA_0475Sonnyphotoscoming in to land ( and have a shower )

Time to go home

Sonny Vandevelde

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