Paris > London

2015/02/26 | Travel

ITA_7736SonnyphotosGraphic ITA_7743Sonnyphotostaking the plane for a walk ITA_7745SonnyphotosParis rain storm ITA_7747Sonnyphotosafter the rain  ITA_7748Sonnyphotosspot the Seinne ITA_7754SonnyphotosFrance ITA_7757SonnyphotosFrench coastline ITA_7758Sonnyphotosis that waves ? ITA_7761Sonnyphotosnice ITA_7763Sonnyphotosyeah, looks like windblown lefts ITA_7767SonnyphotosThe channel ITA_7771SonnyphotosBritish coastline ITA_7774Sonnyphotos ITA_7776Sonnyphotoslooks so nice, like summer, but don’t be fooled, top of 8 degrees today ITA_7781Sonnyphotos ITA_7784Sonnyphotos ITA_7789Sonnyphotos ITA_7791Sonnyphotos ITA_7800Sonnyphotos ITA_7799Sonnyphotos ITA_7803SonnyphotosGatwick ITA_7808Sonnyphotos ITA_7810Sonnyphotosnice ITA_7825SonnyphotosLondon ITA_7830Sonnyphotos ITA_7836Sonnyphotos

Flying to Milan via London, by the time left London for Milan it was too dark

Sonny Vandevelde

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