Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Paris > Milan

EUR_0312Sonnyphotoslook Honey, they made a race track for you in the shape of a heart :-)
The Carole racetrack just outside Paris EUR_0313SonnyphotosBourget Airport, also just outside Paris EUR_0314SonnyphotosOn my way to Milan, so we say Parigi instead of Paris :-) EUR_0322SonnyphotosTurning

EUR_0325SonnyphotosCharles De Gaulle EUR_0329SonnyphotosNo spectacular alpine shots this time round EUR_0336Sonnyphotoslooking rather stormy down there EUR_0339Sonnyphotosonc we crossed the alps the clouds clear over the foot hills of the Alps, and love this shot EUR_0340Sonnyphotos

EUR_0343SonnyphotosWoauw EUR_0350Sonnyphotos




EUR_0376Sonnyphotosgoing down to Milan, and looking pretty stormy down there ( yes, it was raing when we landed )

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