nice clouds while taxing to runway outskirts of Madrid
nearing the Pyrenees and looks like the clouds are still here where I left them when I flew over a few days ago
somewhere under there would be the Spanish coastline and french border
interesting pattern Atlantic ocean one day I'll get shots like this but through a crystal clear window without one of those scratched up plastic poly ma gingy things in between me and window 🙂 nice, poster please
must be north of France oh woauw, special treat. It is summer solstice after all
can just make out he french coastline, probably around Dunkirk
yep, crossing int
o Belgium, and no surprise there, always just seems to cop the rain
damn, lord of the rings stuff 🙂 Ghent-Terneuzen Canal Berlare and the Schelde The Schelde snaking to Antwerp where Ruppel meets Schelde hahahaaa, a true Mechelaar will know this when I say Zennegat 10pm and landing, no dinner tonight