Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Mystery Bay the next day

_AUS7939SonnyJust had to come back to see it in daylight  _AUS7941Sonny
lots of nice colours form all the moss on rocks as well _AUS7946Sonnyno sand here _AUS7958Sonnyjust pebbles and moss covered rocks _AUS7960Sonnylet's call it Mysteries Pebbly beach _AUS7967Sonnywe're all photographers now _AUS7970Sonnylove those flattened shells, would make nice buttons _AUS7999SonnyThis is how we get smooth rocks and flattend shells _AUS8000Sonny







_AUS8019Sonnyso many many shells on this pebbly beach _AUS8023Sonnythat right hander trying to do it, and am thinking about it :-)

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