Gary Bigeni SS12-13 Fashion Show Sydney Backstage

2012/05/11 | Backstage

AUS_0306GaryBigeniSonny I always like to take photos of the models backstage in a good mood, smiling, even go a little crazy
AUS_0327GaryBigeniSonny but seems like some models are biting their lips, in order not to be caught smiling
AUS_0332GaryBigeniSonny Even Alex is acting a little demure AUS_0345GaryBigeniSonny the urge is too strong AUS_0374GaryBigeniSonny you can never keep a smile down ( what were you thinking- no names mentioned – Kelvin 🙂 AUS_0379GaryBigeniSonny


nothing to see here, just keep moving along folks hehehe AUS_0467GaryBigeniSonny



Great collection from Gary, he's tapped into something that should walk of the shelves for him next season, hope it does well for you Gary <3
Check out Jacqui's photos as well in her post

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr I always like to take photos of the models backstage in a good mood, smiling, even go a little crazy but seems like some models are biting their lips, in order not to be caught smiling Even Alex is acting a little demure the urge is too strong you can never […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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