Crossing over

2012/04/28 | Travel

_AUS6808SonnySouth Australia that way _AUS6812SonnyVictoria this way
I must say, there is a lot to see and do in south Australia, and we only scratched the surface, but the salt lake is a highlight for sure. Hope to be back to explore more soon _AUS6814Sonnyon the border here, a lot of pine forest plantations right up to the sand dunes, and you can see the salt spray blowing over the dunes _AUS6817Sonnybet you there's some good surf spots around here _AUS6826Sonnygetting closer to our accommodation for the night _AUS6837Sonnylovely twilight colour

South Australia that way Victoria this wayI must say, there is a lot to see and do in south Australia, and we only scratched the surface, but the salt lake is a highlight for sure. Hope to be back to explore more soon on the border here, a lot of pine forest plantations right up […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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