Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


London > New York

P9030524sonnyphotos plane to take me to New York Untitled-1
Wings ( no, not paul mc cartney's band ) So for those of you who come to my blog and get bored or over see-ing all my cloud shots I love shooting, well, you're in luck, this is it, 2 shots from the door's window, as lucky me got an upgrade to business. I always freak out when you are at the boarding gate, and as you hand over your boarding pass, they scan it, and then they get a beeping sound, but this case it was because they had to issue me with another boarding pass, and lucky me got an upgrade to business. Down side was, that I was no way near a window, so I got a good rest instead. IMG_0549sonnyphotos in the town car on my way to Tribeca IMG_0550sonnyphotos and I just got this fun application for my phone camera ( that I still need to explore further )
OK, New York, here I am.
Now show me some love New York :-)

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