Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Another awesome day of surfing at Avalon

P6090046Sonnyphotos surf check in the morning, super cold wind ( I know right, looks warm in the photo ) but it is a blisteringly cold westerly wind, but I went for a surf, and surprisingly the water was about 8 degrees warmer than the air temp.
So I was out there for a very long time, surfing some fun waves, really great sand bank at the moment, shaped from that big June 4 swell P6090047Sonnyphotos perfect peeling litttle lefthander. Came back in the late afternoon after having surfed it today for about 3 hours, a fun wave/bank P6090050Sonnyphotos
so just had to come back and have a last look at it for the day P6090052Sonnyphotos pretty crowded now comepared to during the day ( school has finished and tradies are out with the grommets ), but look at those colours P6090057Sonnyphotos
P6090071Sonnyphotos India came with me to check it out as well

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