So last november ( I know, bit slow in getting this post up ) I was invited by Nicholas to come and see the big parade from the TAFE fashion department, and it is a big long show ( not as long as Antwerp ) held over 3 nights and done twice a night Hence these models needing a bit of a lie down and getting a free massage from their fellow colleagues. Now there are a lot of students that showed this night, and I had no idea who was who backstage, and I literally took over a thousand photos. So to do an edit and put it down to just 30 photos was insane, so instead I did a rough edit , then left it for a while, looked at it again, did another cull and put the rest of the photos up in one of the photo albums ( click here for direct access to the photo gallery, but future reference, it's just on the left column here ) Nicholas about to go on stage to introduce his class to the crowd of spectators
So as well as all the photos you can see of the students collection in the photo gallery, you can also get a different view on Jacqui;s blog, as she came along on the night as well to take some photos, and she hates flash, so she has some nice photos on there as well, check it out
TAFE 2010 End of Year Parade
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr So last november ( I know, bit slow in getting this post up ) I was invited by Nicholas to come and see the big parade from the TAFE fashion department, and it is a big long show ( not as long as Antwerp ) held over 3 nights and done […]
Sonny Vandevelde