Donkey race at Cobreces, Spain

2010/08/21 | Travel

_EUR1095SonnyPhotos On our way to Comillas, as we drove through Cobreces, there were a lot of people standing around a green paddock, so we just had to stop and investigate.
_EUR1090SonnyPhotos getting ready, there was a lot of commentary going on, all in Spanish, so we did not really know what was going on, but one thing that stood out was that the donkey's kid are at their side the whole time, even during the race
spectators line up along the street, and an awesome blue sky day
_EUR1099SonnyPhotos getting ready to go
_EUR1100SonnyPhotos and they're off
_EUR1103SonnyPhotos being Spain, I assumed it was just going to be an all boy's affair, but no, there is one girl in the race as well
_EUR1107BSonnyPhotos oh this is so funny, there's carnage everywhere, basically this race seems to be more about entertainment for the local villagers than the actual race
_EUR1111bSonnyPhotos and then you get donkeys chasing and mounting other donkeys , all to much delight of the crowd. lots of clapping and cheering
_EUR1125SonnyPhotos carnage on the other side as well
_EUR1132SonnyPhotos keen to know why the baby donkeys are in the race as well
_EUR1131SonnyPhotos And the girl wins ! !

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr On our way to Comillas, as we drove through Cobreces, there were a lot of people standing around a green paddock, so we just had to stop and investigate. getting ready, there was a lot of commentary going on, all in Spanish, so we did not really know what was going […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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