Now I know that sometimes I might have ruined a photographers pick by acci
dentally getting in the way or walking in a pictureSo over the years, you develop this awareness around you, eyes in the back of the head sort of thing, as you don't want to be responsible for bleeping up a shot, which is why I run this series of shots, to show the total disregard this chic has for what I am doing. No waiting, or walking behind me, just , nah, fuck ya, I'm going over here and don't care you are taking a photo, I'll just walk straight through itBesides this, all the other Swedes I've dealt with , have super niceand lucky for me, Charles knows how to work it for the camera 🙂
Carin Wester AW10-11
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Now I know that sometimes I might have ruined a photographers pick by acci dentally getting in the way or walking in a pictureSo over the years, you develop this awareness around you, eyes in the back of the head sort of thing, as you don't want to be responsible for […]
Sonny Vandevelde