Dew in the air

2009/11/29 | Uncategorized

forecast for a super hot day today, and by the time I stumbled out of bed ( the drive back from Bondi after DefWish's gig was a killer )and looked out the window, I could see all these clouds/fog/moisture rolling down the backside of the hill on the cliffs, so jump in the car for a further inspection, and yeah, drove through the mist. Super warm air from the country , meets cool air from the ocean I guess_SYD2766
Just hanging there, and it is already 30 degrees on my clock at 9 in themorning_SYD2767
And in that mist, when you get out of the car , it is nice and cool_SYD2768
While I was standing there on the cliff, I hear a little rustle near my feet_SYD2769
that's a big lizard, blue tongue I'm sure_SYD2770
yep, that's a blue tongue alright, they love eating spiders, especially funnelwebs. And problem is, these lovely lizards never had to deal with cats or dogs until the europeans arrived, they have no defense system against these introduced animals, so the blue tongue population has dwindled and funnelweb spiders , well, they don't have to worry as much any more and are a bit freer to roam around in our gardens ( scary )_SYD2774
so in other words, if you have a blue tongue in your garden, get rid of your cat and or dog, as they will not eat spiders, and the blue tongue just loves eating one of the most venomous spiders in Australia

forecast for a super hot day today, and by the time I stumbled out of bed ( the drive back from Bondi after DefWish's gig was a killer )and looked out the window, I could see all these clouds/fog/moisture rolling down the backside of the hill on the cliffs, so jump in the car for […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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